Include documents with references of these types
Renders the documents that are related to the submitted document by Meridian Enterprise references and merges the renditions. Select the references types in the list that link together the documents that you want to be included in the merged rendition. Below the list, select an option to control which referenced documents to include: Referenced by the main document, That reference the main document, or Both.
Include documents with this property of the main document
Renders the documents that are related to the submitted document by a common property and merges the renditions. Click the property name in the list. How the matching property values are determined is configured with the Comparison operator for included documents option. The documents to be rendered and merged must have a value for this property in order to be processed.
Comparison operator for included documents
Determines whether property values match so that documents are rendered and merged. In the list, click the name of the operator to use to compare the property values. If the Contains operator is selected, the property value of the included documents must contain the entire value of the submitted document. If the Equals operator is selected, the property value of the included documents must exactly match the entire value of the submitted document. |
Include the main document
Merges the rendition of the submitted document with the renditions of the documents that are related by the options on the Linking tab. If disabled, only the renditions of the related documents are included in the merged rendition. This option is useful for merging the renditions of the documents that are linked to a Meridian Asset Management Module object that has been submitted for rendering. |
Place the main document first in each group
Places the rendition of the submitted document first in the merged rendition, followed by the renditions of the related documents. The order of the related renditions is determined by the option that is selected in the Sort group. If disabled, the rendition of the submitted document is also determined by the option that is selected in the Sort group. |
Limit each group to a maximum of
Limits the number of related documents that are rendered and merged into each output file. If the number of related documents exceeds this number, they are ignored. |
By the document name
Places the renditions in the output file in alphabetical order according to the names of the source documents. |
By this property of the main document
Places the renditions in the output file in alphabetical order according to the values of the selected property for the source documents. |
The number of seconds for the module to wait for rendering to complete before the publishing job is stopped and the rendering process terminated. A timeout can occur if there is a data error in the source document. |